Our Mission

Our mission is to promote the natural beauty and functionality of dogs' tails, advocating against the unnecessary practice of tail docking.


What We Do

We strive to raise awareness about the importance of preserving dogs' natural tails
through educational campaigns, resources, and outreach programs.

Whether you're a dog owner, a veterinarian, or simply a dog lover, we provide support and resources to help you make informed decisions about tail preservation.

Courtesy of @JawDroppingFacts

Why We Stand Against Tail Docking


Dogs' tails serve a vital purpose in their communication, balance, and expression. We believe in preserving these natural functions to enhance the quality of life for our furry friends.


A dog's tail is an essential part of their emotional expression. Tail wagging, for example, is a universal sign of joy and excitement. By allowing dogs to keep their natural tails, we support their ability to communicate and connect with humans and other animals.


Tail docking is a surgical procedure that can lead to complications and pain for the dog. By advocating against this practice, we aim to promote the health and well-being of dogs throughout their lives.

Our Vision

We envision a world where every dog is celebrated for their unique characteristics, including their natural tails. We believe that preserving a dog's tail is not just about aesthetics but also about ensuring their overall health and happiness.


Join us in our mission to celebrate dogs in their natural, tail-wagging glory. Follow us on social media, participate in our events, or consider making a donation to support our advocacy and educational efforts.